Myer Fashions on the Field Derby Day 2016 Women's Racewear

During the Melbourne Cup Carnival at Flemington, I uploaded images from Myer Fashions on the Field to the On Track On Trend Instagram and Facebook pages giving a live commentary of the event. These are some of the images I took of the contestants, judges and celebrities from the Women's Racewear competition on Derby Day



Myer Fashions on the Field Oaks Day 2015 Millinery Award

During the Melbourne Cup Carnival at Flemington, we uploaded images from Myer Fashions on the Field to our Instagram and Facebook pages, giving a live commentary of the event. These are some of the images we took of contestants, judges and celebrities from the Millinery Aaward competition on Oaks Day.The Milliney Award is an invitation only event that was introduced by the Victoria Racing Club in 2005.
Winners announced!!L-R Milliners standing with their models 3rd, 1st, 2ndA closer look at the winning piece from Cynthia Jones-Bryson

Myer Fashions on the Field Oaks Day 2015 Women's Racewear

During the Melbourne Cup Carnival at Flemington, we uploaded images from Myer Fashions on the Field to our Instagram and Facebook pages, giving a live commentary of the event. These are some of the images we took of contestants, judges and celebrities from the Womens’s Racewear competition on Oaks Day.
Winners announced!!L-R, 3rd, 1st, 2nd